Items Needed

Items Needed for Your Appointment

Consultation Appointment

Your first meeting with our firm is a free consultation with an experienced attorney. This is a 30 to 60-minute informal meeting where we will discuss your specific situation and answer any general questions you may have. It is our policy to not accept any money at this first meeting. 

All discussions are confidential, relaxed, and there is no cost or commitment on your end. Call us if you need any additional information.

Items Needed for Your Consult Appointment.

  • A copy of your most recent bill from each source.
  • If possible, make a summarized list of the creditors you owe and how much (even those you intend to keep), starting with secured debts (house and car), then priority debts (child support and taxes) and unsecured debts (credit cards, medical bills, personal loans). Exclude monthly utility bills you pay off each month.
  • Most recent federal and state tax returns and W-2’s.
  • Most recent paystubs.
  • For any real estate you own or are buying, a copy of the last tax bill or a recent appraisal (any estimate you have showing the approximate value of the property).
  • Make, model, year and mileage for any vehicles you own or are currently buying.
  • If you were divorced in the last six years, a copy of your marital settlement agreement.

Intake Appointment

Once you are committed to going forward, the second meeting we schedule is an “Intake” appointment with one of our attorneys. An intake appointment takes an average of two hours. At this meeting, we obtain a much more detailed picture of your specific situation and obtain a clearer understanding of the appropriate path for you. 

It is at this time that we are better prepared to give you a clear direction on whether bankruptcy is indeed in your best interest, what your fees will be, and exactly what you can expect going forward with your case.

Items needed for your intake appointment.

Signing Appointment

Once you have provided us with the additional documents we have requested and paid your fees, we then schedule a signing appointment. This is a one hour appointment with one of our attorneys where we carefully go over the documents we have prepared with you and make any changes that might be necessary. 

Once signed, we electronically file your documents that day. Your fresh start becomes official the day we file your case!

Items Needed at the Signing Appointment

  • The current balance in all bank accounts on the day you come in to sign the paperwork.
  • Most recent pay stubs, if you have not turned them in to us already.
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